Thursday, April 2, 2009

Letter of the Week Series- E

This week we were working on Letter E. We recently purchased a set of long-awaited do-a-dot markers and used them for one of our E projects. I have wanted these for quite a while now and was so excited to finally get them. I had as much fun with them as B did.
We used them to dot over the letter E that I made in black crayon for the kids. The were able to choose what colors they wanted, but of course my son loves BLUE!
We also made a Big E little e hunting game. I also added in the letters A, B, C, and D that we have worked on the past few weeks. I let the kids make up their own control group colors. B selected blue and red as you can see. This idea was from an example of work they have on the shelves in his Montessori classroom.
For our alphabet books this week, I traced 4 egg shapes onto white card stock. Each child used watercolor paints to decorate the eggs.
I just some grass out of green construction paper and they folded the pieces down to make it pop out and look "fringe-y"

We glued our Easter Eggs under the grass so it looked like they were hiding.


  1. very, very cute... love the "fringe-y" grass! :)

  2. the eggs are very cool, love the do a dot markers here too. ours are starting to runout

  3. Amber - You're an absolutely amazing mom! Oh and I'm practicing saying your name over and over. I've heard three times is all it takes but I'm just going to keep saying it. :)


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